Ribbon is designed for use with Lexmark 2380 Plus, 2381, 2381 Plus, 2390, 2390 Plus, 2391, 2391 Plus, 2481, 2580, 2580N, 2581, 2581N, 2590, 2590N, 2591, 2591N, Forms Printer 2580, Forms Printer 2580N, Forms Printer 2581, Forms Printer 2581N, Forms Printer 2590, Forms Printer 2590N, Forms Printer 2591 and Forms Printer 2591N.
Replacement ink pad is designed for use in Dymo DateMark Electronic Date/Time Stamper.
Laminated tape features standard adhesive designed for flat surfaces like office paper, file folders and binders. Tape resists water, grease and grime. Use in hot and cold environments as well as outdoors (water-resistant). Tape is best suited for smooth, flat surfaces. Use with Brother PT-1300, PT-1400, PT-1500PC, PT-1600, PT-1650, PT-1700, PT-1750, T-1830, PT-1830C, PT-1830SC, PT-1830VP, PT-1880, PT-1880C, PT-1900, PT-1950, PT-1960, PT-2030, PT-2030AD, PT-2030VP, PT-2100, PT-2110, PT-2200, PT-2210, PT-2300, PT-2310, PT-2400, PT-2410, PT-2430PC, PT-2500PC, PT-2600, PT-2610, PT-2700, PT-2710, PT-2730, PT-2730VP, PT-300, PT-300B, PT-310, PT-310B, PT-320, PT-330, PT-350, PT-3600, PT-520, PT-530, PT-540, PT-550, PT-580C, PT-9200DX, PT-9200PC, PT-9400, and PT-9500PC.
Ribbon is designed for use with Adler-Royal 8000T, Beta 8000, Beta 8000T, Signet 10, TQ720, TQ820; Amstrad AP620, PCW9500 Series; Bestar ESM1500; Buero-Data Alpha-TOP; Butec 4004; Elite S7500 Electric; Facit T120 Series, T160 Series; Hermes 14A, Toptronic 10; International 26X; Kardex AX280, Remstar 192; Kofa CX260 Series, WP1000S; Nakajima AE500; Olivetti CX440M; Olympia Carrera 2000, Carrera de Luxe, Classic MD, Comfort II, Mastertype 2, Personal Writer, SM5200, Startype, Startype 2, Startype MD, XL120 Series, XL500 Series; Privileg Electronic 2200, Electronic 2400, WP1000; Radio Shack WP100; Remstar 182, Visuriter; Schneider PCW9512; Sears 53011, SR3000 Electronic; Sense GT, GX; Sigma 4800, WP8900 Series, WP9500; Silver Reed ER17; Sumitronics ALL 210, AX200; Swintec 20M, 2500, PWP1000, Student; Triumph-Adler Alpha 600, Royal Alpha 600, Twen 180 DS plus, Twen 180 plus; Walther Eurostar SM4601, Eurostar SM5201, EW310 and TW640.
Single Ply Adding Machine Rolls are ideal for use in adding machines, calculators, and cash registers. Made with premium quality, lint-free, white bond paper. Each roll has an end-of-roll indicator.
Write-on transparency film sheets are perfect for creating real-time or last minute visuals to enhance any presentation.
Laminated TZ Tape features standard adhesive designed for flat surfaces like office paper, file folders and binders. Tape resists water, grease and grime. Use in hot and cold environments as well as outdoors (water-resistant). Tape is best suited for smooth, flat surfaces. Use with Brother PT-1300, PT-1400, PT-1500, PT-1500PC, PT-1600, PT-1650, PT-1700, PT-1750, PT-1750SC, PT-1800, PT-1810, PT-1830, PT-1830C, PT-1830SC, PT-1830VP, PT-1880, PT-18R, PT-1900, PT-1900C, PT-1910, PT-1950, PT-1960, PT-2030, PT-2030AD, PT-2030VP, PT-2100, PT-2110, PT-2200, PT-2210, PT-2300, PT-2310, PT-2400, PT-2410, PT-2430PC, PT-2500PC, PT-2600, PT-2610, PT-2700, PT-2710, PT-2730, PT-2730VP, PT-300, PT-300B, PT-310, PT-310B, PT-320, PT-330, PT-350, PT-3600, PT-520, PT-530, PT-540, PT-550, PT-580C, PT-9200DX, PT-9200PC, PT-9400, PT-9500PC, and PT-9600.