Premium, remanufactured print cartridge is designed for use with Hewlett-Packard LaserJet 4240n, 4250n, 4250tn, 4250dtn, 4250dtnsl, 4350, 4350n, 4350tn, 4350dtn, and 4350dtnsl. Cartridge yields approximately 10,000 pages. Elite Image is ISO certified.
Remanufactured toner cartridge is designed for use with Hewlett-Packard LaserJet Pro 200 Color MFP M476dn. It is manufactured to the highest standards and print-tested before packaging. Performance is benchmarked against the OEM, guaranteeing quality and consistency. Toner delivers high-quality, crisp text resolution, page after page. Color-compatible laser cartridges use genuine polymerized (chemical) toner, just like OEM cartridges. Polymerization yields a tighter particle distribution with a small consistent, spherical shape that improves print resolution. Cartridge yields approximately 2,700 pages at 5 percent coverage area.
High-yield toner cartridge is designed for use with Hewlett-Packard LaserJet Printers 2420, 2420d, 2420dn, 2430, 2430n, 2430tn and 2430dtn. Cartridge yields approximately 12,000 pages.
Toner cartridge is designed for use with Hewlett-Packard LaserJet Printers P1102w, M1212nf MFP and M1217nfw MFP. Cartridge yields approximately 1,600 pages.
Reliable, Original HP toner cartridge helps keep business productivity high and avoid wasted time and supplies. Cartridge is designed for printing e-mails, drafts and documents with crisp, black text using the Hewlett-Packard LaserJet Enterprise 500 Color Printers M551n, M551dn, M551xh, M570dn MFP, M575dn MFP, M575f MFP and M575c MFP. High-yield cartridge yields approximately 11,000 pages.
Remanufactured toner cartridge is designed for use with the Hewlett-Packard LaserJet 4300 Series printers. Elite Image is ISO certified.
Toner cartridge is designed for use with Hewlett-Packard Color LaserJet 2600, 1600 Series, CM1015mfp and CM1017mfp.